Sunday, January 25, 2009

First Week on the Job

This will definitely be an interesting experience for me, I have never blogged or ever read one till last week, so let the learning begin ;)

My first week at LaRuche Event Design Studio was a nice setup for the months to come. On my first day we signed all the necessary paperwork and set me up with some work for the next few days. The work Alisha (my boss) assigned to me was very useful in the sense that it introduced me to her clients as a junior planner assisting on planning their upcoming events. It was nice to have a small part in what was to come along with working on my client relation skills, as in finding a fun and polite way to ask the clients to work on their "homework" as well as setting up and assiting with various appointments to do with their event.

My most educational experience this week was assisting Alisha on piching for a job in Eloy, for those who have never heard of it its half way to Tucson. Anyway it was amazing to be in the middle of it expereinceing the first approach and client contact with these prospective clients. I learned to stick to your guns and make sure the clients understand your creative ideas. To believe in yourself and have confidence when pitching. It was really awesome to witness something like that in my first week at LaRuche instead of just filing papers or doing busy work.